Who We Are
Avanti Psychology is a private therapy and consultancy service based in Central Victoria, managed by Ms. Susan Trotter B.A., B.Sc (Hons)., M. Psych (Org)., MAPS (COP).
Avanti Psychology was built on a very simple, strong and clear vision of providing services that are both of the highest quality and affordable for people. What does that mean?
By highest quality, we mean that you will receive a service that:
Is evidence based in line with current research on management of a variety of presenting issues;
Is delivered by well-trained psychologists committed to ongoing professional development and continuous improvement; and,
Adopts a holistic view of psychological health. We focus on cause as well as symptoms and we work in with your other service providers where appropriate.
By affordable, we mean that we work hard to keep our costs as low as we possibly can whilst providing our clients with a high standard of professional practice. For individuals, we maintain a fee structure that is significantly below that of the Australian Psychological Society’s recommended fees.